On occasion, one of our products arrives in less than perfect condition. If this has happened to you, we are so sorry! While this is not common, if the product you received has a broken part or the greens don’t look terrific, please contact us and we will make every effort to resolve the problem! Our customer service team is dedicated to making things right. 

You can reach us by email here, and if you have photos of the item please attach them as they are helpful in determining what can be done to resolve the issue. In addition, we learn a lot from photographs in these situations and use the information to try and prevent the same thing from happening again. Please also include the Order # (if you have it) and a brief description of the issue to help expedite the process.

If you would prefer, you can also reach us by phone at 1-888-426-0781, and a customer support agent will happily assist you.